domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Leadership .VS. Management

This video gives us the introduction to two terms that have created question in the business world : management and leader, this is because it can sound very familiar and often some individuals see these terms as synonyms and frequently use them interchangeably throughout phrases and sentences.  but the truth is that they are different. Now, the real question here is, what is the right thing to do inside a company….let’s take a minute and analyze each one.

Should we apply  management…..meaning
manager, retrive from

accomplishing activities and mastering routines(Bennis and Nanus  ) or unidirectional authority relationship (Rost) and even Management is responsible for maintaining order (kotter). Besides the textual meaning the management process requires to accomplish several components such as planning & budgeting, organizing and staffing, controlling & problem solving and  management responsibilities are generally much more task-oriented than some leadership respon­sibilities,

or should we be leaders………. Meaning

Hitler. retrive from

to influence others and create visions for change.( Bennis and Nanus) or (Rost) asserts that leadership is a multidirectional influence relation­ ship and (kotter) argues that leadership is responsible for producing change or movement.
Is obvious that leadership have several definitions, but there are specific factors that are central to the majority of these definitions. Leadership Is a process, that involves influences and occurs in a group context. and in the leadership process, the components a leader need to accomplish are setting organizational direction, aligning people with the direction via communication, motivating people to action, empowerment, gratify needs

BUT Zaleznik argues that management and leadership require different types of people.
I only know one thing and that is that a leader and a manager have their positive and negative attributives and combing them together is what makes them up. But what creates the perfect frankenstein man is to be like a Jing jang. Have alittle bit of both inside eachother.

Frank, retrive from
Do you (or would you want to) work in an autocratic, democratic, or consultative work
environment? What might be the advantages and disadvantages of each?

i would like to work in a democratic enviroment because  this type of leadership style promotes the sharing of responsabilities, according to (Simosn Oates) here are positve ideas about democratic i shared with him 1.  Manager seeks consultation on all major issues and decisions. 2. Manager effectively delegate tasks to subordinates and give them full control and responsibility for those tasks. 3. Manager welcomes feedback on the results of intiatives and the work environment. 4. Manager encourages others to become leaders and be involved in leadership development. i dont find many flows with this work enviroment only that desicions can become boring becuase,  Seeking consultation over every decision can lead to a process so slow that it can cause opportunities to be missed, or hazards avoided too late


 Oates, Simosn .Leadership Styles – Autocratic vs Democratic vs Bureaucratic.

Stedman, N. (2005). Leading teams. SEAL 2005 – In­dividual Advisory Member Development. Retrieved on November 26, 2008 from: http://extensionedu­

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