viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

Dear Fellow Classmates

Podium. extracted from:
 Is interesting how everyone in class have different style of blogs, i really enjoyed doing this particularly blog entry because it gave me a chance to see how other people were  doing their blogs, check a little about their personality and the million ways to decorate the blog. I actually think i´m gonna do some remodeling to my blog, PIMP IT OUT. Because the first thing I check on a blog it´s for the decorations, the pictures, the videos, the background, the structure and of course the style of writing. I like the fact that some classmates took the time to make their blog pretty cool.

Blowing whistle, retrive from

In the number one spot, my favorite blog was ( brum roll please……….prprprprprprprpr))Moises Vitol

Moises Vitol, I really enjoyed judging, just kidding, giving constructed critisicim to your blog, because it was just easy! ………….from the beginning the big multicolor title you put on the blog really cough my attention and all of the funny picture you added, like the man sitting in the toilet or the big dinosaur made my reading a little more pleasant, it shows you are a creative person i would give you 4.5 stars. Keep the good work up.

In the number two spot come in my frind Carolina Pourrat. Caro I don’t know about what you think but  i think we have similar ways of writing, because  your blog shows that you like writing in ways that  makes the readers think about things, ask themselves questions and easy to read along the blog lines. I like the fact that your blog is not just some boring summary and just answering question, I love the approach you took and mixed things up, by making appealing tittles and interesting questions making the reading  different. i also like the movie and the pictures you added to your blog, it makes it look prettier. Definably my favorite blog entry was the one about motivation, I like the way you explains things because is so “BOXY”

# 3
moving on........ Lina Cañola´s  would be position as my number 3 blog.
Lina, I like that strong orangy color you used in the background it really makes your blog pop out and the entries stand out. Also the fact that you used a lot of pictures and several paragraphs to explain many of the concepts seen in class.

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